
The ATLAS Overview Week 2015 is a collaboration week at which the status of ATLAS, from data-taking to analysis and upgrade, will be discussed. Presentations and discussions will consider all aspects of the ongoing work of the collaboration, as well as reviewing the latest results.

The ATLAS Overview Week 2015 will be hosted in Salento, Italy. It will  take place in Lecce from  October 5th to October 9th 2015. The venue is the Hotel Tiziano o dei Congressi, located at the entrance of the city of Lecce (map). This event is being organized by the INFN Sezione di Lecce and the Mathematics and Physics Department “Ennio De Giorgi” of the University of Salento.


During the week few special events will occur:

on Monday 5th at 16:10 at The Tiziano Hotel, Prof. Francesco D’Andria (just nominated Professor Emeritus) will give a seminar entitled “Do the Gates of Hell really exist?”

on Monday 5th at 19:00 in the “Sala D’Enghien” of the Charles V Castle in Lecce, there will be a welcome reception where the Lecce Mayor and the Pro-Rector will welcome ATLAS researchers. a light cocktail will be offered in the Castle and the usual Poster Session will be organized in the neighboring rooms.

on Tuesday 6th at 18:00 in the “Sala D’Enghien” of the Charles V Castle in Lecce, Prof. Luciano Maiani will give a public outreach seminar, in Italian, titled “La Ricerca della Semplicità”

on Wednesday 7th at 16:30 a guided tour of Lecce will start from “Porta Napoli” for registered people.

on Wednesday 7th at 20:00 at the Torre del Parco complex the Gala Dinner will be served.


Local Organizing Committee

Edoardo Gorini INFN Lecce & Mathematics and Physics Department “Ennio De Giorgi”, Salento University
Connie Potter CERN
Margherita Primavera INFN Lecce
 Andrea Ventura  INFN Lecce & Mathematics and Physics Department “Ennio De Giorgi”, Salento University
 Local Secretariat
Daniela Dell’Anna daniela.dellanna@unisalento.it +390832297465
Carla Gentile carla.gentile@le.infn.it +390832297491
